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Use your creativity to find the right career path

Your talents and aptitudes are an excellent indicator to help you explore different careeer paths. In what follows, we will try to discover other directions you could follow besides a career in music.

Whether you're a student or you're at the beginning ot the middle of your career, you can learn and discover new things.

Make a list of five activities that seems interesting and that you'd like to know more about. Be creative and try to include as many as possible that relate to your aptitudes. They can be activities in your field, from different fields, or something new and original.

Activities that you find interesting and would like to know better, from your field or other fields:







Now that you have completed this list, choose an activity you'll practice in the next few weeks. Just one! Don't wait for somebody to hire you to do this. Start right NOW, even without any payment. If this activity is totally unknown to you or you've never had an opportunity to practice it, contact people who do it and request a meeting with them. Ask questions to learn as many new and interesting things as possible. It's important to get informed before you start doing an activity you don't know much about, so create an action plan to do that. All that matters is taking the first step in the proper direction.

After you have chosen one of your favorite activities and have practiced it for a while, answer the following questions:

  • How did I feel practicing this activity?.......................................................

  • What did I like?..............................................................................................

  • What didn't I like?..........................................................................................

  • What are the benefits of this activity?........................................................

  • What are the disavantages of this activity?...............................................

  • What did I learn from this experience?.......................................................

  • How do I evaluate this activity on a scale from 1 to 10?...........................

If, after this experience, you realize this activity isn't exactly as you imagined or you learn that, in fact, what you really want is completely different, don't be dissappointed. Return to your list of favorite activities above and continue to experiment!

Finding the right career path might take time. Some people need a few weeks or months, while others need years. Experimenting with various activities, you will be able to see the pros and cons and identify any aspects of the activity that are challenges for you. You might confirm that you really enjoy an activity you had been thinking about doing for a long time or you may discover a new direction to take that is totally different from anything else you've done so far. This can happen only when you take action and that's why I encourage you to make the first step:

Don't limit yourself to just one or two options. Experience various activities using your creativity!


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©2017 - 2022 by Coaching for Musicians; L. Marina Sperling; Bern, Switzerland

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